Rumson Municipal Court
Charles S. Callman Building
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 4:30pm
(732) 530-7131
Violation Bureau Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00am - 4:00pm
All Municipal Court Session Are Virtual Unless Otherwise Noticed.
The following matters are heard in the Municipal Court:
Traffic and Parking Summons
Criminal (Disorderly, Petty Disorderly)
Borough Ordinance Violations
Fish and Wildlife, Marine Police, Weights & Measures
Although the more serious indictable complaints begin in the Municipal Court they are forwarded to the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office for disposition or remand.
Please carefully read all the information on the back of your ticket.
If you are unsure if your ticket is mandatory or payable, contact the court for assistance.
If your ticket is payable and you would like to enter a Not Guilty plea, you must contact the court to be added to the court calendar.
If you require ADA accommodations, please contact the court to discuss your specific accommodation needs prior to your scheduled court date.
Acceptable forms of in-person payment are CASH, CHECK and MONEY ORDER There are no credit card payments accepted at the court building.
Payments can be made online, by mail, or via the drop box
located inside the front doors of Borough Hall.
Drop box payments must be in a sealed envelope marked "Municipal Court."No cash can be accepted — Check or Money Order only.
Municipal Court Model Opening Statement Video- English
Municipal Court Model Opening Statement Video- Spanish