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Rumson 2023 Road Improvement Program

In continuation of the Borough Council’s investment in the community’s infrastructure, work has begun on the 2023 Road Improvement Program. Over the past few months, utility crews from New Jersey American Water and New Jersey Natural Gas have upgraded their respective utility mains within this year’s program to provide enhanced and more reliable service. Through a collaborative approach, the Borough has permitted these upgrades in advance of our Road Program. Lancha Construction will be replacing concrete curbs, driveway aprons (where required), sidewalks (where present), installing ADA compliant handicap ramps (where necessary), and will mill and resurface the roadway.

The following streets are in this year’s program, and the specific improvements can be found on the Construction Plans prepared by the Borough’s Consulting Engineer.

Phase 1: Wardell Avenue, Riverside Drive, and Ivins Place

Phase 2: Azalea Lane, Sheraton Lane, Briarwood Lane, Van Circle, North Rohallion, South Rohallion, and Allencrest Road

The Borough has also entered into a shared service agreement with the Rumson Board of Education to facilitate parking lot improvements at the Forrestdale School. These improvements will provide for better circulation, additional off-street-parking, and improved pedestrian safety. The shared service allows the school’s project to be bid with the much larger road improvements program which results in reduced project costs associated with project management, engineering and construction through economies of scale.

Supporting Documents

2023 Road Improvement Project FAQ

Resident Notice - Phase I

Resident Notice - Phase II

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80 E. River Road

Rumson, NJ 07760


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