Shrewsbury Drive
June 2024 UPDATE:
New Jersey American Water Company and their sub-contractors are working to replace problematic water services and obsolete fire hydrants within the project area. This work is separate from the Borough’s contract with Precise Construction. Precise Construction will be starting, conditions permitting, the week of June 3, 2024 on Avenue of Two Rivers South. Please check back for updates as more information becomes available.
Shrewsbury Drive Area Resiliency & Drainage Improvements Phases 2 & 3 FAQ
1. What streets are included in the Project?
Shrewsbury Drive (Osprey Lane to Navesink Avenue)
Monmouth Avenue (Rumson Rd to Shrewsbury Dr)
Woodmere Avenue (Rumson Rd to Shrewsbury Dr)
Navesink Avenue (Rumson Rd to Shrewsbury Dr)
Avenue of Two Rivers South (Shrewsbury Dr to Southern Terminus)
2. What is the proposed scope of work?
Shrewsbury Drive – The work on Shrewsbury Drive will consist of the replacement of the timber bulkhead just east of the Shrewsbury Drive and Avenue of Two Rivers intersection. The top of bulkhead will be extended to a higher elevation to provide additional tidal flooding protection and eliminate the wooden railing. The new bulkhead height along with concrete curbing and earthen berms will provide tidal flooding protection to an elevation 5.0’ NAVD88. This corresponds to the same elevation as the previously completed Phase 1 Shrewsbury Drive Improvements (South Ward Ave to Navesink Ave). The existing drainage system between Avenue of Two Rivers and Monmouth Avenue will be replaced and supplemented with a check valve to prevent tidal flooding from breaching the drainage system and flooding the road. New concrete roadway curbing and paving will follow after the bulkhead and drainage improvements are completed. Shrewsbury Drive between Avenue of Two Rivers and Osprey Lane, the roadway will be milled and repaved.
Monmouth, Woodmere & Navesink Avenues – The scope of work on these three streets are similar in nature. Each roadway will be milled and repaved. Select portions of roadway curbing are being replaced with concrete curb based on condition, grade, and drainage pipe installation.Â
Avenue of Two Rivers South – The improvements will consist of re-profiling portions of the roadway to address drainage impacts created with recent development along the west side of the street. Existing drainage will be maintained on the street.
The scope of work could change based on field conditions. Â Detailed project information is available on the construction plans.
3. What company was awarded the construction contract?
The Governing Body awarded a contract to Precise Construction at the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Council on October 10, 2023. Precise Construction was the lowest cost, most responsive bidder out of all the sealed bids received by the Borough for the project. Precise Construction has successfully completed prior roadway projects with the Borough, including the Shrewsbury Drive – Phase 1 Improvements.
4. Will a representative of the Borough be present during construction?
The Borough’s Engineering Department will be present during construction. Throughout the project, our Superintendent of Public Works will also periodically be on-site.
5. What is the project start date?
Utility investigation and delivery of concrete drainage structures began in May 20, 2024. Construction will begin on the bulkhead and associated drainage in early June. Work on the surrounding streets will occur in the coming weeks. As additional information becomes available, updates will be posted.Â
6. What is the project duration?
The entirety of the project is contracted for 6 months, but due to inclement weather, unanticipated field conditions, or expansion of the project scope additional time may be warranted.
7. What are the working hours?
The working hours for the project will be Monday to Friday, 7:00 am to 5:00 pm, with some exceptions due to unforeseen conditions. The Contractor may arrive to the job earlier than 7:00 am, but should not be operating equipment. If this is a frequent occurrence, please contact Brett Hunger (Project Manager) or David Marks (Borough Engineer).
8. Will the street be open during construction?
The streets will be closed to through traffic while work is underway. We ask that you avoid the active work areas to the greatest extent feasible. Access to your home will generally be restored by the end of the work day.
While the bulkhead is being replaced and during select times of drainage replacement, there will be no vehicular access on Shrewsbury Drive between Avenue of Two Rivers and Navesink Avenue. Based on construction sequencing, there could be over night or weekend closures to maintain a safe work site. We will work with the Rumson Police Department to facilitate access to the greatest extent practicable.Â
9. What is the daily impact to my property?
The daily impact to your property should be minimal. While roadway improvements are being installed immediately in front of your home or the adjacent property, access will be temporarily restricted to allow for the work.  If a concrete driveway apron is installed at your property, access to your driveway will be restricted for 3 to 5 days to allow for the concrete to fully cure. Please park in your driveway when possible or on the street outside of the work area limits.
10. My sprinklers were damaged, what should I do?
If your sprinkler system is damaged during the construction process, please either contact a supervisor from the Construction Company, Brett Hunger (Project Manager) or David Marks (Borough Engineer). Per the contract, the Construction Company is required to repair all damages at their expense. Please afford the Construction Company the first opportunity to make the necessary repairs.
To reduce the extent of sprinkler damages, please mark your sprinkler heads if they are within 3 feet of the curb or road edge when construction activity approaches your property. The markers will get displaced by lawn care contractors if you locate the sprinkler heads too soon.
11. Will my driveway be impacted by the construction?
It is very likely, the end of your driveway that meets the roadway will be impacted by the construction. The Contractor will repair the driveway with like materials and finishes to the greatest extent possible. We do not seal coat asphalt driveways. The extent of how far back a driveway is repaired is a function of driveway material type and grading to maintain positive drainage flow.
12. Is it my responsibility to restore my lawn if disturbed by the construction?
No, the contract with the Contractor includes the restoration of lawn. We ask that you please water the sod regularly or as needed until it is established. Neither the Borough nor Contractor will be responsible to replace sod that is not adequately cared for once it has been placed.
13. I would like my entire driveway or sidewalk to my home replaced. Can the Borough’s Contractor complete that work?
Yes, the Borough’s Contractor can be hired to complete work on your private property. That work would need to be contracted directly between you and the Contractor. The Borough should be made aware of the proposed work, but the property owner is fully responsible for payment and oversight.
14. Who should I contact with additional questions:
Brett Hunger
Project Manager
David Marks
Rumson Borough Engineer
15.  In case of emergency, please contact Rumson Police Department at (732) 842-0500
# # #
The tidal flooding has created a quality of life issue for the residents as well as property damage with the loss of vehicles and equipment.Â
The Shrewsbury Drive Road Improvement project is a multi-phase, long-standing cooperative venture with the Borough of Rumson and Monmouth County due to a shared drainage outfall.Â
Phase II of the project, which is set to begin in May 2024, consists of:
Replacing the severely deteriorated timber bulkhead,
Drainage infrastructure replacement,
Installation of a tide flow check valve,
Installation of low height flood walls,
Repaving of Monmouth Ave, Woodmere Ave, Navesink Ave and Avenue of Two River South, and the remaining half of Shrewsbury Drive, from Navesink to Osprey.
Replacement of curbing, and complete pavement restoration.Â
The Borough of Rumson established elevation 5.0' NAVD as our level of flood protection. While this elevation does not protect against major coastal storm events (i.e Superstorm Sandy), it protects against the frequent flooding experienced by the residents on a monthly, weekly, and at times daily basis.
The funding for this project is through a combination of The Rumson Capital Improvement Fund and a combination of two submitted, approved Municipal Aid Grants through the N.J.D.O.T totaling $557,000.00.
Weather permitting, utility verification will occur the week of May 20, 2024.
No major interruption to traffic will occur without prior notification to the residents.
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